Song neophrasemes in the texts of Ukrainian media: stylistic and sociopolitical effects


  • V.M. Dreshpak Університет митної справи та фінансів
  • I.A. Avramenko Університет митної справи та фінансів



media text stylistics, social impact of media, media linguistics, media criticism, political communication, phraseologisms, media content analysis


The relevance of this research is driven by the emergence of new linguo-cultural elements that have gained prominence in the Ukrainian media space over the past decades. The focus of the authors' research is on neophrasemes, which originate from apt verbal formulas found in songs, are integrated into media texts, actively function in the language of contemporary Ukrainian media, and elicit corresponding stylistic and socio-political effects. The aim of this article is to identify the stylistic and socio-political effects that are formed or may be formed in the socio-political discourse during the period of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine as a result of the use of neophrasemes from contemporary Ukrainian songs in media texts. The empirical basis of the research includes publications in national and local media during the period of the Russian-Ukrainian war (2014-2024). The study analyzes approaches to understanding both the stylistic and socio-political effects of using phraseologisms in media texts by Ukrainian scholars. The main stylistic and socio-political effects are highlighted and supported by examples from the media, namely: connotations, figurative nomination/denomination, reinterpretation, desensitization, and adjustment of the worldview. The analysis demonstrates that the convergence of media content (songs and journalistic texts) is capable not only of creating a vivid stylistic impression but also of influencing the evolution of audience consciousness, shaping a Ukraine-centric worldview, fostering the consolidation of the political nation in wartime conditions, ensuring the emotional resilience of the audience against enemy information operations, and maintaining the proper emotional state of Ukrainian society.

Author Biographies

V.M. Dreshpak , Університет митної справи та фінансів

д. н. з держ. Упр., професор

I.A. Avramenko , Університет митної справи та фінансів



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