Concerning theoretical approaches to the formation of post-bipolar regions: is there a risk of deregionalization of the Black Sea political system?


  • S. V. Glebov Одеський національний університет імені І.І. Мечникова



: Black Sea region, Black Sea political system, «new regionalism», «region-building», deregionalization, BSEC, Ukraine, Russia


A new paradigm of interstate relations in the Black Sea basin in the conditions of the collapse of the bipolar system led to the emergence of the Black Sea region as a political system. The article analyzes the theoretical background of the process of «new regionalization» in the works of certain theoreticians-regionalists who studied the peculiarities of the formation of international regions after 1991. The conceptualization of the phenomenon of «new regionalism», in particular in the works of the Swedish researcher Björn Hettne, fundamentally revealed the essence of the creation of spaces of post-bipolar interdependence of the states of a certain geographical region. The article, with the involvement of the tools of the system analysis method, models a scientific approach to understanding the process of regional development on the example of the Black Sea system of international relations as a political alter ego of the structural nature of the Black Sea region as a geographical space in the BSEC system. It is argued that the acquisition of systematicity in the relations between the BSEC member countries within the political boundaries of the Black Sea region was aimed at maximally stabilizing regional relations based on common democratic values in the direction of forming the general regional interest of the states to create a crisis-free space of economic interaction in the Black Sea basin. However, the article states that the systemic balance of the newly created Black Sea regional system was called into question almost from the very beginning by the aggressive policy of the Russian Federation in the region in relation to other international actors. The level of conflict in the Black Sea basin after 1991 turned out to be directly proportional to the departure of the Russian leadership from the course of democratization of socio-political relations. It is concluded that with the beginning of the conventional war against Ukraine in 2014, the authoritarian Putin’s regime leads to the deregionalization of the Black Sea political system and the deconstruction of the Black Sea region as a product of post-bipolar regionalism. In turn, this leads to the further escalation of regional and global chaos in conditions of paralysis of international law with the gradual disappearance of the post-bipolar world order in a situation of unpredictable developments in the global field of force confrontation.

Author Biography

S. V. Glebov , Одеський національний університет імені І.І. Мечникова

к. політ. н, доцент


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Theory and history of political science