Political discourse on functioning of political parties in Ukraine
political discussion; political discourse; political process; political regime; political partyAbstract
A comprehensive analysis of the political discourse is carried out, which concerns the features
of the functioning of political parties in Ukraine. Attention is focused on the fact that, like any discursive
interaction, political discourse not only reflects existing ideas about the current state of development
of political parties and the party system. Political discourse also creates and changes them, since it is
in the process of interaction that citizens analyse, perceive or reject the views of other citizens,
respectively transforming those that were previously held. It is found out that in contrast to political
discussions about specific political problems that political parties face in their activities, political discourse
includes not only rational statements, but also emotional ones.
It is proved that political discourse covers all broadcasting of the political sphere. That is, all discursive acts
that take place in political institutions with the participation of subjects of political interaction, in
particular, political leaders and representatives of political parties. It is determined that the most common
forms of political discourse are public speeches by leaders of political forces, parliamentary debates,
discussion of party and election programs. An important component of political discourse is speech acts
that are on the verge of politics and mass communication, such as press conferences, presentations of
political programs, placement of campaign materials in the media and discussions of party speakers on
radio, television and social networks. It is noted that political parties should actively involve citizens in
discussions in social networks. It is proved that the lack of proper communication with citizens via Internet
resources reduces the ability to convey the necessary information to voters.
It was found out that we can study political competition of parties through political discourse, which is
able to act as an effective resource (pro-government or opposition parties), constructing and drawing
certain outlines of political reality, and which is able to legitimize certain subjects of politics. In political
discourse, a certain conditional reality is constructed, which claims to become a political practice. In other
words, the discussion between political parties on the "democracy-authoritarianism" dichotomy may
create new rules of the game in the political process.
A democratic society not only declares, but also actually guarantees the rights and fundamental freedoms
of citizens. Political parties are important elements of the socio-political structure of society and are
important subjects of the political process. In democratic countries, they assume important social
functions, while becoming an integral part of society. Political discourse makes it possible to find out the
role of political parties in political processes and makes it necessary to form new approaches to the study
of their activities.
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