Euroregion’s functioning as a component of national interests realization.
Euroregion, cross-border cooperation, national interests, region, interactivityAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the functioning of the Euroregions as a component of the realization of Ukraine's national interests.
The basic approaches to the definition and concept of Euroregions in the context of realization of national interests are analyzed, the functions of Euroregions and structural and functional peculiarities of Euroregions with the participation of Ukraine are defined, the author's vision of the essence of Euroregions is presented. Thus, the concept of the Euroregion is defined as an interactive, institutionalized form of cross-border cooperation, where joint political, socio-economic, information problems and regional and national interests are solved through cooperation of the Euroregion participants.
The definition of cross-border cooperation in the comparative aspect is given. It is noted that in the effective functioning of the Euroregions can be a certain means of realizing the socio-economic and political potential of the border territories, improving the standard of living of the border territories, a communication channel, as well as a vector of preservation and realization of national interests. Generalizing approaches to defining the essence of the Euroregion outlines the main functions of the latter: creating strong cross-border links; solving socio-economic, political and environmental problems of the border areas; improving the standard of living of the border area population; information functions; establishing communication channels; participation in the promotion of personnel and migration policies, as well as in improving legislation on cross-border cooperation; formation of a positive image of a stable, responsible partner in the international arena, etc.
It is stated that there are actually the following Euroregions with the participation of Ukraine: jointly formed with the EU Member States («Carpathian Euroregion», Euroregion «Bug» Euroregion «Lower Danube», Euroregion «Upper Prut»); jointly formed with non-EU countries («Dniester Euroregion», «Dnipro Euroregion» within the Chernihiv oblast of Ukraine and Gomel region of Belarus); Ukraine is an observer in the «Black Sea Euroregion».
The expediency of an interactive level of international relations is emphasized, since at the present stage cross-border cooperation must be subject to some interactivity. In the context of this study, interactivity refers to the exchange and complementarity of information and human resources between the parties of the Euroregion, which should include the development of joint information, political, socio-economic projects. A key point is the information and communication process between the population of the Euroregion and local authorities.
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