EU Youth Policy Implementation Mechanism.
youth policy, mechanism for implementation of youth policy, instruments of youth policy, EU, Eastern PartnershipAbstract
The mechanism of implementation of EU youth policy is considered in the article. It is determined that such a policy in the Union is based on the method of open cooperation (with horizontal and vertical links). It is established that EU youth policy is based on the principle of parity, which is particularly evident in the Scandinavian countries.
It is determined that European practice has developed two strategies for the implementation of youth policy: with the leading role of the state and with broad involvement of civil society institutions.
The mechanisms for implementation of EU youth policy include institutional, political, legal, organizational and financial. The identified mechanisms are analyzed. Regulatory acts of the EU, UN and Council of Europe, which set out the principles, spheres and mechanisms of implementation of youth policy in EU countries, are considered.
EU youth policy instruments identified: common (youth councils, parliaments, forums; youth information; youth political participation; support for youth projects and initiatives; development of youth organizations; youth participation in non-governmental organizations and political parties; increased participation) youth in the work of the media) and special. Special tools such as the Structural Dialogue project, the Youth in Action program and the Erasmus + program have been analyzed, and the tasks of each of them have been identified. The projects applied in Ukraine as participants of the Eastern Partnership within the framework of the defined programs are considered. Sources of funding for youth policy have been identified, namely: state and local budgets, as well as funds from international and national non-governmental organizations, aimed at implementing individual projects and programs of youth policy both within the EU Member States and within the EU partner countries.References
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