Family institution in migration processes of Ukrainian citizens to Germany.


  • M. M. Kasyanova Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса
  • A. I. Shkodych Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



migration, family institute, Ukrainians, Germany, Ukrainian families, adaptation


In the article the authors explore the migration processes of Ukrainian families to Germany. Under the influence of social processes, the Institute of the Family is one of the earliest to emerge; its role is crucial for both sociology and migration processes; it is a major carrier of cultural models because the rules, customs and traditions of family life are specific to each society. The ability to move freely is one of the most important values of modern life, which is why the migration issue is one of the most urgent issues for Ukraine as a donor country for large numbers of migrants.

An attempt has been made to characterize the importance of the family institute in migration processes from Ukraine. The reason of transformation from the temporary migration to permanent is the unification of families of Ukrainians abroad who provisionally left earlier, but stayed for a long time in their host country and moved their families due to the deterioration of the living conditions in their homeland, and the opportunity of employment for their other family members.

The study is based on official data and a sociological poll developed by the authors. The results of the study helped in analyzing the families of Ukrainian migrants, their activities outside the homeland, determining their adaptability to the new environment. Our research proves that Ukrainian migrants are a significant component of German society. By incorporating into communities and organizations, they have the support of each other which makes them less homesick and it gives the opportunity to communicate with people who have a full understanding of other migrants and their problems. Families are full units of modern society that shapes a new vision and understanding of the world of migrants.

In this article the authors paid attention to the development and adaptation of Ukrainian families to the new environment of stay. Popular reasons of immigration to Germany have been identified and described. The authors outlined the main stages of functioning of Ukrainian migrant families in the context of adaptation.

Author Biographies

M. M. Kasyanova, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

д. політ. н., доцент, доцент кафедри міжнародних відносин і зовнішньої  політики

A. I. Shkodych, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



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Соціально-політичні проблеми міжнародних відносин та світової політики