The Power of Resource Aspects of Geopolitics and Risk Formation in Relation to Latin America and the Caribbean.
geopolitics, the power of resource aspects, infrastructural power, "fluid modernity", political-economic strategies, multipolarity, risk problem, conflict zones, Latin America and the CaribbeanAbstract
In this paper, an attempt is made to raise the question of the nature of modernity as such, with an understanding of the key development trends and the characteristics of political processes at the global and regional levels with a description of future risk issues. In the framework of the research vector, the insufficient study of the issue of the qualitative content of geopolitics was emphasized in connection with the completion of the US approval of neo-liberal hegemony and the corresponding reformatting of the world with the beginning of the introduction by the United States of America of a political and economic strategy for national development. It has been recorded that in the context of the implementation by other actors of world politics of the intentions of a new contouring of a multipolar world, a range of issues is being updated regarding the formatting of political and economic processes at the national-state level and awareness of the risks of the future, the search for ways to minimize them. Thus, the article analyzes the power of resource aspects of geopolitics, offers a vision of the nature and content of prospects, identifies risk zones in the context of the implementation of today's strategies in general terms and, in part, in relation to the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. It is concluded that under the conditions of “fluid modernity” and the establishment of a multi-polarity of the world with centering of the poles based on resource understanding of modern infrastructural power, the nature of the transformation of the “poles of the world” is fleeting, that is, the process of struggle to expand zones of influence, “territories of responsibility” is being updated, the risks of conflict are growing, with a separate problem of the forms and extent of social conflict. In the Latin American context, in particular, the significance of the very definition, production and distribution of risks, awareness of its “level by conditional score of the scale of values” It is emphasized that the prospects for formatting the world and regional changes largely depend on the development of processes in the USA, the leader of the democratic world and world economy.References
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