Theoretical and methodological approaches to the investigation of military conflicts in modern globalization realities.


  • L.V. Chupriy Центр соціально‐політичних досліджень «Генеза» Національний авіаційний університет



military conflict, asymmetric wars, secessionist wars, irredentist war, territorial wars


The article deals with the definition of key military conflicts, in particular emphasizes that one of the most common is its interpretation as the highest degree of aggravation of contradictions between subjects of military-strategic relations and at the same time, the form of resolving conflicts with the use of limited forces of the armed forces (military formations). 

It is noted that there are three formal signs of the war: involvement in the conflict of at least one regular army: the existence of the inevitable logic chain in the sequence of events in the armed conflict;  minimum losses - 1000 or more human lives per year.

In most contemporary interpretations of the war, organized collective violence is the main symptom.  Many theories also remind that war is not without mass casualties;  they help to distinguish war from personal hostility between individuals

The typology of modern wars is highlighted, which includes the classic territorial wars, the purpose of which is to conquer the territory;  secessionist wars (for the separation and formation of an independent state);  irredentist war (for the reunification of representatives of a divided ethnic group, compact living in the territories of neighboring states), asymmetric wars (a kind of armed conflict, which implies the nature of relations, the asymmetry of the potential of the opposing sides).

It is noted that the modern typology of wars is rapidly enriched in large-scale and especially military-technical and strategic features: their weapons;  symmetry or asymmetry (in the same or different ways);  contact or contactlessness (with or without ground battles);  with coverage of all geographic spheres or individual ones; “revolt – war”, etc.

Some authors outline  “asymmetric wars”, which mean wars between different types of social actors (for example, states against non-state actors), as well as armed conflicts in which enemies use different means of armed struggle.

Author Biography

L.V. Chupriy, Центр соціально‐політичних досліджень «Генеза» Національний авіаційний університет

д. пoлiт. н., к. фiлoc. н., Директор

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Теорія та історія політичної науки