Essential characteristics of the political myth.
political myth, metanarrative, political activityAbstract
The article investigates an essential characteristics of the political myth. The authors provide a definition of the phenomenon of political myth, and analyze it in comparison with the phenomenon of political ideology.The works of domestic and foreign scientists are thoroughly analyzed. In particular, the key structural component of the political myth is considered to be a universal historical epic narrative, in the context of which political reality is structured and interpreted (the so-called metanarrative).The authors state that the metanarative of the political myth is utopian by nature. Utopia, which is a narrative of a political myth, is viewed as a projection of the mythical consciousness of the individual and society on the course of the historical process, guided by the desire to "conquer history" and build a post-historic society within the chronotope given by the political myth.It is established that the phenomenon of a political myth has such intrinsic characteristics as metanarrativity, utopianism and syncretism. Prospects for further studies of this problem, in particular the structure and functions of the political myth have been determined.
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