Kinds of secret diplomacy and peculiarities of their functionality in international relations.


  • S. Pyk Львівський національний університет імені І. Франка
  • D. Kostyuk Львівський національний університет імені І. Франка


secret diplomacy, Germany, World War I, conflict settlement, secret diplomacy components


In the article, the term and the research history of secret diplomacy were analyzed. Attention was paid to the comparison of two types of secret diplomacy – secret diplomacy and back-channel diplomacy. The main characteristic of secret diplomacy is that the achieved results remain secret during long periods of time. On the contrary, the results achieved by the back-channel diplomacy become public soon after the completion of the negotiations. In addition, clandestine diplomacy was researched, which is conducted by the special services in a very delicate and urgent matters. The so-called “Checkbook diplomacy” was analyzed, which is used for achieving concessions from other countries by economical of financial means. In addition, the study of secret diplomacy during the World War Two allowed distinguish of another type of secret diplomacy, oppositional diplomacy.

Author Biographies

S. Pyk, Львівський національний університет імені І. Франка

к. політ. н., доцент

D. Kostyuk, Львівський національний університет імені І. Франка



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