Exploitation of memory and historical politics: focus on the theory of the memorial industry


  • M. O. Petrakov Південноукраїнський національний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського




memory politics, historical politics, manipulation, authoritarian regimes, historical revisionism, cultural memory, political processes, international relations


This article analyzes the relationship between memory, history, and politics. The rapid development of memorial studies emphasizes the relevance of the study of collective and individual memory. The purpose of the study is to analyze the relationship between memory, history, and politics, especially in the context of the use of historical revisionism by authoritarian regimes to legitimize their actions. The importance of cultural memory and its research in academic circles is highlighted, allowing for a deeper understanding of methods and theories of analyzing memories and history, including the impact on international relations. The author examines methods, including censorship and educational programs, that distort history to reinforce power and create an image of a defender against external threats. The importance of cultural memory and its study in academic circles is emphasized as a means to better understand these processes and their impact on international relations. The author analyzes Katie Stallard's research, which focuses on China, Russia, and North Korea, highlighting how the governments of these countries use manipulation to rewrite history in order to strengthen their power and shape national identity. According to the author, Maurice Halbwachs' theory of cultural memory and Astrid Erll's research help to expand the understanding of the interaction between narrative and non-narrative forms of memory and their emotional impact on the perception of history. Earll develops an understanding of the different aspects and levels of memory, including individual and collective, and explores the mechanisms through which they are reproduced. The concept of Alyda and Jan Assman distinguishes between communicative and cultural memory, where the former is transmitted orally and encompasses personal memories, and the latter is ritualized and expressed through symbols and rituals that form a collective identity. They also consider the dynamics between forgetting and remembering in culture. Historical cases of the destruction of cultural archives are seen as mnemonic mechanisms to ensure the dominance of certain knowledge. The burning of libraries and book burning are examples of the conflict between memory and reason. The conclusion of the study emphasizes the need to protect intellectual heritage, especially in the context of political competition and cultural dynamics, which requires conscious preservation and protection of historical memory from manipulation and distortion.

Author Biography

M. O. Petrakov , Південноукраїнський національний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського

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