The role of civil society in the process of democratic transit in Ukraine and Poland


  • B.M. Kalinichenko Черкаський національний університет ім. Б. Хмельницького



civil society, Ukraine, Poland, public opinion, disinformation, fakes


The place and role of civil society in the process of democratic transit is considered more deeply. The importance of compliance and promotion by all subsystems of political power of the chosen course in foreign and domestic policy aimed at the integration of Ukraine into Western civilization, as a reasonable alternative to all other political projects, is emphasized. On the example of Poland, as a country close to Ukraine, a comprehensive and consistent strategy of actions aimed at an accelerated transition from totalitarianism to democracy is shown. The positive results of the work done are shown. The importance for Ukraine of cooperation with Poland in matters of integration into the European Union and NATO was emphasized. Because the strengthening of relations between the two countries will provide an opportunity for both to defend their own geopolitical interests, strengthen their defense capabilities, diversify the supply of energy carriers, and increase their influence in the region. The fight against hybrid threats provoked by the Russian Federation is an urgent challenge for Ukraine and Poland, in particular in matters of cyber security and countering fakes. Intensification of cooperation in all spheres with the leading powers of the world such as the USA, Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany and others to achieve the strategic goals of Ukraine in the fight against the military aggression of the Russian Federation, in particular in the context of guaranteeing the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our state. The main factors in the politics of Ukraine are singled out, which will help to strengthen the non-state sector and thus remove a number of conflict situations related to language, religious, military and other issues, which have not been given due attention during the last ten years.

Author Biography

B.M. Kalinichenko , Черкаський національний університет ім. Б. Хмельницького

д. політ. н., доцент


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