Key factors in the functioning of humanitarian policy in the context of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine


  • V. E. Turenko Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка



Humanitarian policy, information aggression, media literacy, cybersecurity, societal resilience, international cooperation, Russia-Ukraine war


This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the essential factors underpinning the functioning of humanitarian policy amidst the full-scale war waged by Russia against Ukraine. The study underscores the significance of humanitarian policy as a pivotal tool in countering the multifaceted forms of information aggression that have increasingly become a hallmark of contemporary warfare. The focus is placed on how the promotion of humanitarian values, the development of educational and cultural programs, the safeguarding of citizens’ rights and freedoms, the enhancement of media literacy, and the strengthening of international cooperation can collectively serve as robust countermeasures against the insidious spread of disinformation and propaganda. Furthermore, the article delves into the strategies adopted by Baltic and Scandinavian countries, such as Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, and Sweden, which have successfully bolstered their societal resilience through integrated approaches to cybersecurity, media literacy education, and public awareness initiatives. These case studies exemplify how a well-articulated humanitarian policy, integrated into national security frameworks, can mitigate the impact of information aggression, support societal cohesion, and enhance overall national resilience. The findings of this research are particularly relevant to Ukraine’s ongoing efforts to counteract the information warfare tactics deployed by Russia, highlighting the necessity of a proactive and multifaceted approach to humanitarian policy in this context.

Author Biography

V. E. Turenko , Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

д.філос.н. ст. дослідник, доцент


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Intersection of war and politics