Mechanisms of hybrid warfare in the humanitarian sphere


  • Y. M. Harkavyi Воєнна академія імені Євгенія Березняка
  • K. V. Rubel Воєнна академія імені Євгенія Березняка



hybrid warfare, information aggression, humanitarian sphere, humanitarian policy, humanitarian resilience, national security


The authors analyzes the key characteristics of the hybrid environment, the main indicators of propaganda as one of the key methods of Russian hybrid warfare, the goals of Russian hybrid warfare, the stages of deployment and conduct of a hybrid conflict, and the main sources of possible vulnerabilities in the humanitarian sphere, where the enemy can conduct hybrid destructive influences.
It is established that the threat of hybrid warfare requires special efforts from state institutions to strengthen international security cooperation. The dynamics of modern international relations show that today it is important to move towards a global security system that can minimize cyberterrorism, cyberwarfare and cybercrime.
It has been proved that hybrid warfare in the humanitarian sphere is characterized by targeted cognitive influence on the relevant target audiences in order to distort the adequate perception of reality and disrupt the activities of social groups, manipulate their consciousness and impose narratives favorable to the enemy in understanding certain current phenomena in society. The continued presence of the Russian mass product within the Ukrainian socio-cultural environment created opportunities for further transmission and perception of hybrid information attitudes and fakes of Russian propaganda.
It is stated that in times of war, the importance of international law, in particular such components as international security law, international humanitarian law, and international media law, is significantly reduced. The integrity of the humanitarian space of the State requires a national cultural and communication environment, which is ensured by the priority of the Ukrainian language and a network of effective channels of cultural relations covering the entire society.
It is summarized that in order to effectively counteract the threats of hybrid warfare and ensure an effective system of national security of the State, it is important to form a comprehensive system that will allow timely response to hybrid challenges and dangers in society, as well as proactively form a national system of humanitarian resilience.

Author Biographies

Y. M. Harkavyi , Воєнна академія імені Євгенія Березняка

PhD, доцент

K. V. Rubel , Воєнна академія імені Євгенія Березняка

к.і.н., доц.


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Intersection of war and politics