The American-German relations (1998–2005)


  • O. I. Voytovych Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова



American-German relations; ”the Third Way”; European integration; international terrorism; Kosovo problem; Iraq crisis


The American-German relations in the end of the XX – beginning of the XXI centuries are analyzed, as well as their common activity in the international problems solution in both European countries and beyond. The research of the English-American alliance activity in the current international relations is the purpose of this work. The following task was set by the author: to analyze the American-German relations and their effect on the current international relations through the prism of the international relations crisis phenomena overcoming. The research was based on the works of memoirs and certain monographic literature as the main source of information. The comparative historic and system research methods were applied as they promote the impartial interpretation of the scientific development object. The bilateral relations of the period of the presidents B. Clinton G.W. Bush, and Chancellor G. Schroder were rather eventful and can be definitely divided into two periods: before 2001 and after it. The tandem Clinton – Schröder was characterized as the likeminded people cooperation, especially in such areas as European integration, and “the Third Way”. Meanwhile in Bush- Schröder relations there were not only cooperation but also some contradictions on both personal and interstate level. However, as transatlantic partners both the USA and FRG worked upon the problem of continent’s stability, having realized the idea of NATO expansion, which seemed panacea for security achievement. The both countries cooperated in the regional conflicts regulation, (the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq). It was not for the first time for Germany to use the Bundeswehr detachments, but again this experience had negative internal political consequences. Analyzing the bilateral relations, we may see that they were profoundly influenced by the leaders’ personal relations. However, these relations were both positive and sometimes destructive for the important international problems solution.

Author Biography

O. I. Voytovych , Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова

к. політ. н., доцент


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