Features of the implementation of humanitarian policy in the security and defense sector of Ukraine


  • S. V. Prysiazhniuk Військовий інститут Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка




humanitarian field; humanitarian policy; national security; national sustainability; security and defense sector of Ukraine


Key aspects of the implementation of humanitarian policy that affect the security and defense of Ukraine are considered. The experience of state planning of humanitarian policy as a factor in ensuring social stability in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war is analyzed. The conceptual and categorical apparatus that determines the essence and content of humanitarian policy has been studied. A list of central executive authorities is outlined that ensures the formation and implementation of state humanitarian policy (within their competence). The functionality of the main units responsible for the implementation of humanitarian policy in the security and defense sector, namely the Department of Humanitarian Support of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Military Chaplaincy Service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, is revealed.
The main situational bodies in the sphere of implementation of humanitarian policy, formed after
the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation, are summarized. The main directions of implementation of humanitarian policy in the security and defense sector of Ukraine are revealed, in particular in fulfillment of the goals of the NATO partnership G0013 «Gender Perspectives» and the National Action Plan for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 «Women, Peace, Security» for the period until 2025.
It has been established that the essential content of Russia’s hybrid offensive in the humanitarian sphere was attempts to marginalize Ukrainian identity due to the denial of the ontological status of Ukrainian culture. The denial of the Ukrainian nation's right to national self-determination has become a trend in modern Russian political and near-political discourse.
It has been proven that humanitarian policy is the basis for establishing the level of satisfaction of human rights and establishing the «human-centric» principle of building a public administration system. In the security and defense sector of Ukraine, humanitarian policy is one of the mechanisms for ensuring national security and national sustainability.


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