Organizing strategic communications according to NATO standards


  • Y. M. Harkavyi Воєнна академія імені Євгенія Березняка



strategic communications; national security; information operations; NATO; NATO standards


The main approaches to organizing strategic communications in NATO member countries are analyzed. The features of the organization are considered and the main subjects of the national system of strategic communications in the United States are identified. The typical structure of the US information or joint information bureau is described, which is formed depending on the scale of the operation and the composition of the joint group of forces.
The place and role of the strategic communications system in Great Britain, the French Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Lithuania are considered.
The features of the professional activities of the NATO Center of Excellence for Strategic Communications (Riga, Republic of Latvia) and the European Center for Countering Hybrid Threats (Helsinki, Republic of Finland) are analyzed.
Reviews updated approaches to NATO operations planning and the typical structure of the J10 strategic communications unit. Has proven that the main goals of organizing strategic communications in NATO member countries are information and communication support of military operations, as well as the mission and activities of NATO, by including strategic communications in planning processes at all levels of military command and facilitating the implementation of appropriate measures to explain to civil society. features of NATO activities.
Нas proven that for modern states and international institutions, strategic communications act as a management tool, the purpose of which is the formation (adjustment) of social systems at the cognitive level. Acting globally in the network, carrying out synchronizing and deconflicting effects, strategic communications have a direct impact on the development of the international information space. Strategic communications focus on the cognitive dimension of the global international environment and ensure the use of elements of national strategic power and the implementation of national strategic programs in a more effective way.

Author Biography

Y. M. Harkavyi , Воєнна академія імені Євгенія Березняка

PhD, доцент


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