Telegram channels as tools of strategic communication: a study on Ukraine's media landscape during the war


  • N. O. Natalina Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University



strategic communication; war in Ukraine; digital media; political discourse; socio-political narratives; impersonality


The evolution of Ukraine's state strategic communications system gained momentum following the annexation of Crimea and the onset of Russian aggression in 2014. By February 2022, this framework had been both codified and institutionalised. This article delves into the transformative trends observed after the onset of the full-scale war. These include a personal approach in state communication, accentuated by President Zelenskyy’s leadership; shifting the weight of institutional communication to security and law enforcement agencies; an amplified public trust in the military and volunteers; and the emergence of novel national metanarratives and symbols. Parallelly, there is a notable augmentation of governmental oversight on conventional media, aimed at countering both oligarchical and pro-Russian predispositions. Simultaneously, there was a discernible migration of audiences from television to state-unregulated mobile media platforms.
Recent 2023 studies indicated that most Ukrainians now source their news from social media and messaging apps, with Telegram emerging as a predominant force within the media sphere. This paper offers a comprehensive analysis of this media platform's impact, focusing on its challenges to the consistency of Ukrainian strategic communications during the war. Utilising empirical insights from the TGStat service, the study discerns the most impactful Telegram channels and evaluates their alignment with the state's overarching strategic narratives. It further sheds light on the stratagems employed by Ukrainian governmental entities and top-tier officials to manoeuvre within this rapidly shifting media landscape and scrutinises the emergence of non-institutional influencers and anonymous channels.
The author posits that, during a full-scale war, Ukraine's strategic communications meld state intentions with grassroots initiatives, resulting in a certain subjeclessness of such communications. This synergy produces an incredibly potent communication form. Its efficacy is rooted not just in the messages but also in the array of voices and channels relaying them, magnifying their impact on both domestic and international audiences. Conversely, the surge of anonymous Telegram channels introduces potential risks. In essence, as illustrated by Telegram's trajectory in Ukraine, the digital realm fosters inclusivity and instantaneous communication but also challenges narrative consistency and control. This paradigm shift provides political science with vast avenues for future exploration, especially in understanding how such digital platforms might redefine political discourse, influence, and authority.

Author Biography

N. O. Natalina , Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

Ph.D. in Political Science, Assistant Professor


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Political discourse