Oligarchic elitist egocentrism and egoism as an obstacle to the formation of a consolidated democracy


  • V. V. Burkalo Ужгородський національний університет




ego; oligarchy; oligarchic regime; oligarchic egocentrism and egoism; consolidated democracy


The article analyzes the implicit nature of oligarchic egocentrism and egoism as a product of the oligarchic ego. Ego sets the matrix inconsistency of the psyche of the oligarchs and produces the poor ontological quality of the oligarchic consciousness. It is emphasized that oligarchization is an explicit expression of oligarchic egoism and egocentrism at the individual, group, societal, and international levels, with the possibility of advantages to the detriment of national interests.
Manifesting itself phenomenologically in the economic, social, political, legal, managerial, informational, cognitive, moral, cultural-linguistic varieties of political life, oligarchic egoism has a masculine character and requires manipulative ideological self-justification. The rationalization and constellation of these varieties has a tendency to grow from situational individual-group (clan-oligarchic) egoism into stable one, and local one into total egoism with crystallization in the oligarchic-clan regime.
It is indicated that oligarchic egoism, egocentrism deforms the entire system of relations in Ukrainian society, imposes its corruption projections on the main groups (entrepreneurs, officials, judges, the political class), hinders the democratization of institutions, norms, rules, procedures, values, beliefs, models of behavior, political culture, thinking of all groups, it forms an oligarchic type of person, undermines the faith of citizens and political actors in democracy, in the honesty and effectiveness
of the rules of the game, the rule of law, equality before the law, trust in each other, it destroys the state from within.
It is shown that the oligarchy is an extreme form of elitist rule, extremely selfish and self-centered in its psychology, which is the basis of its self-reproduction and Ukraine's vulnerability to external threats.
Anti-democraticness is an attributive quality of oligarchy. And therefore, consolidated democracy in its institutional-procedural sense, without the establishment of social rights, under the oligarchic regime becomes impossible both at the level of the elites, because the oligarchs are an anti-democratic elite, and at the procedural, subjective-psychological, and institutional levels. De-oligarchization is a necessary condition for progress towards a consolidated democracy. Taming the ego and selfishness is a necessary condition for de-oligarchization.

Author Biography

V. V. Burkalo , Ужгородський національний університет

к. філос. н., доцент


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Political discourse