Methodical aspects of modelling the processes of modern public policy operation


  • M. A. Polovyi Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса, Університет Коменіуса



public policy research methodology; public policy models; modelling of public policy institutions; model building methodology; public policy sphere


The aim of the paper is to consider certain methodological issues of building models of the processes of functioning of the sphere of public policy. It is noted that the sphere of public policy plays the most important role in the functioning of modern society. It is within this sphere that the key events of the political process take place. It is noted that unlike the natural sciences, which mainly operate with theoretical models based on the already studied laws of the surrounding world with a high level of formalization and wide possibilities of measurement with the help of accurate calculations, descriptive models are used in socio-political research to this day. This situation is connected with the low level of mathematization of our knowledge about society and political processes in particular. It is noted that for any object of socio-political reality, a complete list of its characteristics covers all its manifestations and cannot be fully taken into account during modeling, since this contradicts the basic rule of building models – the most accurate reflection of only some properties of the object. that is modeled. It was determined that as a result of the implementation of the entire list of standard model building operations, the researcher receives a basic model of the studied system, suitable for further analysis and experiments. It is highly desirable to accompany the model with detailed comments that should explain both the main assumptions and theories underlying the model, as well as the relationship between real-world factors and selected quantitative indicators that reflect them. Comments on the model should also include an explanation of the intended ways of further operating the model related to its parameterization and experiments. It is also noted that any model of public policy functioning will have certain limitations regarding the range of public and political processes it reflects, as well as regarding the time frame of its suitability.

Author Biography

M. A. Polovyi , Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса, Університет Коменіуса

д. політ. н., професор


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