Influence of the pandemic on world political order and assessment of possible consequences


  • T.O. Kamenchuk Державний заклад «Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К.Д. Ушинського»



коронавірус; пандемія; політика; політична опозиція; консолідація влади; авторитарний режим; демократія; обмежувальні заходи; політична репрезентація


The article substantiates that the coronavirus pandemic, which arose almost 3 years ago, significantly changed the world political order in general and its components, in particular. The purpose of the article is to determine the impact of the pandemic on the world political process and to make relevant political decisions regarding the fight against this phenomenon. The subject of the study is political measures and certain political aspects, such as political representation, justification of adopted restrictive measures, concentration of power and opposition statements, which have become an integral part of the fight against the spread of the coronavirus infection. An analysis of political problems and trends that provoked a sharp change in political direction at the regional and global level was made. To achieve the goal, a complex of scientific research methods is used, which allowed to identify cause-and-effect relationships and their consequences.
The results of the research show that the ambitions of some politicians allow us to compare the effects of the coronavirus pandemic with the consequences of the Second World War, which leads to a distorted perception of political actions, the concentration of power and, as a result, the suppression of democratic principles, greater trust in authoritarian regimes, which is especially evident on the example of a number of Asian and post-Soviet states, such as China, Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan, etc.It is shown that the role of the opposition is one of the key ones in this context, as an example of which are the situations in the Czech Republic and Italy, where the accumulation of dominant political power together with the prevailing media representation led to a series of inconsistent decisions that cost the authorities thousands of human lives. These aspects indicate that during the coronavirus crisis, states simply cannot afford to evade political propaganda or hide their intentions behind populist slogans. The conclusions made in the work correlate with the outcome of the political debate between the countries most affected by the coronavirus. The need to protect national interests without waiting for possible consolidation from external strategic partners becomes obvious.

Author Biography

T.O. Kamenchuk , Державний заклад «Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К.Д. Ушинського»

к. політ. н., доцент


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