Cross-border cooperation with Ukraine in conditions of the war
cross-border cooperation; a partner country; war; refugees; the Intermarium alliance; the European UnionAbstract
The article studies the systemic support provided to the border regions in expanding cooperation in the economic, educational, cultural, environmental and other fields. It is noted that European experience is being transferred to the border regions of Ukraine. During the full-scale intervention of Russia into Ukraine, the cross-border policy has changed the emphasis and focused regional projects on humanitarian support and military issues. A number of European countries was analysed in the course of the study, namely, Romania, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Moldova, which border Ukraine and provide various support to it. The partnership as well as the geo-strategic significance of Ukraine and the bordering countries facilitate the formation of a tandem of regional leaders in Central Europe that are able to confront the challenges and threats of the changing international order. Poland and Romania actively support the implementation of the Intermarium alliance, which will be a powerful step for Ukraine in strengthening its European potential. Also, it is noted that Poland is actively supporting Ukraine in the energy sector, military-anddefence, cross-border and customs cooperation, environmental policy, rebuilding of Ukraine as well as in the issues of national memory.
Cross-border cooperation was studied through the prism of Ukrainian refugees. The article analyses the number of Ukrainian citizens abroad as of March 7, 2022 and August 3, 2022. It determines the number of Ukrainian citizens that have received the status of a refugee and have asked for shelter. The data on crossing the border of partner countries has been processed. The article provides up-to-date information on the situation in the border regions and indicates the number of people that have returned to Ukraine.
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