HR potential of representative bodies of local self-government of united territorial communities of Odesa region in the new system of administrative and territorial organization


  • N. P. Hedikova Державний заклад «Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К.Д. Ушинського»



united territorial communities; deputies; deputy corps; local self-government; political parties; local councils


The article is devoted to the analysis of the deputy corps of the united territorial communities of the Odesa region of the VIII convocation, which were formed in the new system of administrative and territorial organization. Also, article is determinated of the prospects for the exercise of powers by the deputies of the local council in connection with the suspension of the activities of certain political parties. The author based his research on the analysis of the structure of the deputy corps according to political and gender characteristics and the provision of deputy activity through the work of deputy permanent commissions, factions and groups of representative bodies of local self-government at the basic level of the Odesa region, using the example of three different levels of local councils of the VIII convocation – Artsyz municipal the united territorial community of Bolhrad district, the Shabo village united territorial community of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi district and the Tairovo village united territorial community of Odesa district, which are newly created administrative units.
It was established that as a result of the 2020 local elections, representatives of the following political forces received the largest representation in the deputies’ corps in the Artsyz Municipal Council, the Shabo Village Council and the Tairovo Settlement Council by political affiliation: "For the Future", "Opposition Platform ‒ For Life", "Batkivshchyna". Also, the same political forces in the respective councils ensured the largest representation of women among council deputies out of their total number. The analysis of the permanent commissions of the three councils mentioned above showed that they have the same number of them and are represented by the same number of deputies, namely 5 deputies each. It is noted that in the permanent commissions, deputies from the political forces represented in the councils are not always distributed proportionally, as far as possible, which can disturb the balance and realization of their party interests and the interests of the voters of the united territorial communities. It was determined that 2 deputy factions of political parties "For the Future" and "Opposition Platform – For Life" were created in the Artsyz Municipal Council; 3 deputy factions were created in the Shabo village council of political parties "Sluha narodu", "For the future" and "Trust the works"; no parliamentary factions have yet been created in the Tairovo village council, which does not violate the provisions of normative acts. It is emphasized that candidates from the three above-mentioned parliamentary parties received the greatest representation in these councils. At the same time, the political parties "Opposition Platform ‒ For Life" and "For the Future", as well as a number of others, are recognized as pro-Russian in the normative and procedural order, and their activities are prohibited on the territory of Ukraine. In connection with this the question of the authority of the deputy of the local of the council, if he was elected from a political party whose activity is prohibited, and the parliamentary faction formed by it in the local council remains open and requires a separate normative and legal regulation.

Author Biography

N. P. Hedikova , Державний заклад «Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К.Д. Ушинського»

д. політ. н., професор


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