Public control as a type of public audit
public audit; public control; institutions; expertise; public authorityAbstract
The participation of citizens in the political process and the realisation of dialogue interaction between the government and society are ensured by the implementation of such a public policy function as public control, which refers to a special type of public audit. Institutionalized practices of public control in democratic states represent a wide range of tools, which is built primarily around the principles of transparency of public authorities and participation of society in its work.
Institutionalized forms of public control are: civil-public audit (ensures verification of the accountability of public authorities, fulfillment of their organizational and functional obligations) and civilpublic expertise (a procedural and legal form of public control that provides analysis of state administrative practice by determining its compliance with the interests of the public). All types of activities of the public authorities (financial, political, legal) and the participants of the public process themselves fall within the scope of public control.
Solving the problems of public control in political systems depends on the readiness of the state for an open dialogue with society and appropriate response to the problems that need to be solved on the basis of solidarity, subsidiarity and consensus.
The institutionalization of public audit and public control in Ukraine is still at the stage of its methodological, regulatory and practical design and formation. It is possible to distinguish some newly created network institutionalized structures of public audit in the political space, first of all, these are expert communities, public organizations, network structures created by the state initiative, that unite analytical groups, government representatives, consultants, managers, etc.
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