Ecological security as a fundamental component of national security
національна безпека; екологічна безпека; екологічні загрози; екологічна стратегія; національний екологічний інтересAbstract
The place and role of ecological safety in the national security system of Ukraine are analyzed. It has been found that the environmental component is an extremely important, but still little understood, component of national security, which guarantees the protection of vital interests of man, society, the state and the natural environment from real or potential threats posed by man himself. This affects the political, economic, social, spiritual, informational, military and other spheres of life and ultimately human health. Therefore, the Ukrainian state can be neither democratic, nor legal, nor social (referred to in Article 1 of the Constitution of Ukraine) if it is not ecological, if it does not ensure the primary human rights to clean air, clean water and food. That is why environmental safety should be considered not just as a component of national security, but as a fundamental component of it and even more – as an integrator who is able to consolidate society and ensure its progressive progress.
The main causes of emergencies, dangers, threats, man-made accidents and catastrophes in Ukraine in recent years have been identified. Emphasis is placed on the growth of the scale of environmental threats in the wax-industrial complex, in the chemical, petrochemical, agro-industrial complex. It is noted about strengthening of synergetic character of action of dangers. A number of threats to national interests in the ecological sphere are defined.
It is concluded that in determining the place of the environmental component in the national security system, an important methodological context is the strategic planning of environmental policy and determining the features of the formation of appropriate forecasting strategies as part of a holistic national security system in the short and long term. , sanitary and hygienic and other environmental measures.
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