Self-governing organizations: evolution formation and theoretical comprehension
civil society; public associations; self-governing organizations; self-governmentAbstract
The article analyzes the features of evolution, classification and principles of functioning of self-governing organizations, characterizes the main strategic problematic issues that arise when assessing the role of self-governing organizations in Ukrainian politics, highlights the specifics and basic mutually beneficial conditions of cooperation between the state and self-governing organizations in the modern realities of the development of civil society.
The development of civil society is inextricably linked with the functioning of self-governing organizations, institutionalize in the course of their activities and strengthen the democratic principles of the functioning of society. Self-governing organizations provide a favorable environment for the settlement of social conflicts, unite citizens to solve problems that are important for the population, articulate and aggregate the interests of broad strata of citizens, lobby them in state structures and are a kind of protector of negative informational impact on public opinion. Liberalization of public and political life in the context of globalization is an incentive to increase the influence of self-governing organizations.
The development of relations between the state and self-governing organizations is mutually beneficial and necessary for the development of civil society and the formation of effective principles of cooperation between the public and the authorities, in turn strengthens local government bodies and increases the level of citizens’ involvement in solving local problems. The state and any self-governing organization have a common interest – an interest in the development of a civilized market. Self-governing organizations can exist in parallel with supervisory bodies of state power, and at the request of the latter, in some cases, supervisory functions can be completely transferred to self-governing organizations. The abolition of state control, in this case, is possible only if self-governing organizations meet the principle of compliance with the minimum requirements for them, that is, provided that all subjects of professional activity in society are fully covered.
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